As a teacher, I very much look forward to my various breaks. I think I need the break more than my students do. Each February, my district takes off a week for President's Week, also known as "Ski Week." While I love to ski, I haven't been up to the snow in over 5 years; just too expensive for my family right now. However, for the past 4-years, I have found a way to have a lot of fun, for about 15 seconds, each February break. That fun is known as The Tour of California--the most prestigious cycling event in the United States. Each year I walk up Sierra Road in San Jose and watch the cyclists come by. It's over so fast, it hardly seems worth the hour or two wait, but I manage to make it each year. OK, confession time, I didn't go last year because I had thrown out my back and couldn't stand or walk for any length of time, but I have gone 3 of the last 4 years.
This year, I decided to take Kiersta with me to watch the cyclists. It was cold and rainy but we had fun.
A break in the weather! We can hang up our umbrellas by the Swedish flag.
Kiersta was pretty frightened when the riders came by. I had warned her not to step out into the street for fear of her causing a rider to crash. Luckily, both she and the peloton came through safely. However, Levi did hit Lance's rear wheel further on up the road and came down hard, fracturing some part of his body.
Here are the boys from Team Astana (Go Lance! Go Levi!) leading the way up Sierra Road.
I'm proud to be a very small part of cycling history and to say that I was there when Lance made his comeback ride in the States.