The whole family drove to the school. We had wanted to walk but just weren't ready in time, no big surprise there. Don't worry, we did make it to school on time still. Driving to Kiersta's school was somewhat surreal. As a teacher, I am very used to being at school on the first day of the year, but this time I was tackling the event as a parent! Tons of kids in our neighborhood walk to school and it was quite difficult to turn left into the parking more reason to leave early in the morning.
As we waited for the classroom door to open, I noticed that many of the parents were sizing each other up, or maybe that was just me? Which parents looked friendly? Who had cute kids that seemed like they could be good playdate fodder? Who was wearing what? Three little girls, including Kiersta, had on the same pair of Payless Shoe Source shoes--so cute, I bought myself a pair as well! I guess we now have Mommy/Daughter shoes. LOL
We were finally admitted into the classroom where Kiersta was given a name tag and was instructed to find a cubby. The teacher took a picture of Brian, Kiersta and me together and then Kiersta had a seat on the carpet to wait for class to start. The teacher sat down and the parents were dismissed. Kiersta didn't cry. I didn't cry, much. It was a good start to a momentous day in our big girl's life.
I used to be little, but not anymore,
Tomorrow I'll get up and walk out the door.
I'm going to Kindergarten - it's the first time for me.
It's great to be big, but I'm scared as can be.
My tummy's in knots. You want to know why?
I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe I'll cry.
When Dad leaves the school and I'm there all alone,
I'm thinking that maybe I'll want to go home.
But wait - Mommy said I'll play lots of new games,
And meet lots of friends - I can learn all their names.
The first day of Kindergarten, oh there's so much to do!
There's painting and books and a big playground, too!
I used to be little, but not anymore.
Tomorrow I'll get up and walk out the door.
I'm going to Kindergarten - it's my first day, you see.
It's great to be big! I'm so glad that I'm me.
Yea, Kiersta! Congrats on your first day of Kindergarten. You too, Christie! I'm sure it was very strange being on the other side. Seems so early to be going back to school already! Oh, I loved the poem! It made me cry. Emma's growing so fast, I know it won't be long before I'm writing a similar post.