Valentine's Day was pretty good this year; Brian actually planned ahead and made dinner reservations (PF Changs), bought movie tickets ahead of time (Avatar), and brought home a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Of course, I never let him forget one of our first Valentine's together when he tried to make plans at the last minute and couldn't find a reservation to a restaurant anywhere. We ended up going through the Jack in a Box drive thru and then seeing Titanic. Apparently we have an affinity for James Cameron movies on Valentine's Day.
Kiersta and Kyle had a good day, too.

Holy Cow! That's a LOT of Chocolate!!!
Kiersta got a few small presents: a stuffed bear, a HUGE card, a mini-rubber stamp set, and a big ol' Hershey's Kiss).

A Very Smiley but Messy Boy!
Kyle, on the other hand, got nothing except lots of love. He seemed to enjoy it.
The only thing that went wrong was that we were supposed to go hiking on the morning of the 14th, but I had previously made plans to go to the gym with a friend and didn't get back in time to make the hike, get the house cleaned, shower, and go over directions with the grandparents before making our dinner reservations. We decided to go hiking the next day instead--a fine compromise since none of us had to work or go to school.
Wow, I can't believe how much your son has grown since we met! Please tell Her Highness "Bon Jour" from me.